The adventure that sparked a young girl’s imagination
CAST: 21 total: 3 M, 18 W
LENGTH: 30-40 minutes

Before the rabbit hole, Alice had quite a different, sensible view of the world. Only through her eccentric uncle's imaginative adventures is she able to discover that ordinary people and things in life can become her own Wonderland.
Taking its inspiration from Lewis Carroll’s beloved books, Before Wonderland turns the recent trend of creating “prequels” to classic children stories on its head by providing audiences of all ages with a glimpse into what possibly inspired Alice’s adventures. Full of surprises, visual effects, and characters both new and old, the entirely original production delights audiences as they try and figure out who will eventually become the iconic characters such as the Caterpillar, the Queen of Hearts, and Tweedle Dee & Tweedle Dum.
Premiered in the U.S. before being taken on a successful two week run at the 2013 Edinburgh Fringe Festival the script is perfect for large ensembles and can be done with minimalistic set/props or full set design. The original score designed for the production is also available for a nominal fee.
"...a real feast of delights, both visually and verbally and would be a must see for any ‘Alice’ fan....which [will] both delight and amuse audiences of all backgrounds." -
"while being fairly sophisticated in its language, uses visual trickery, puppetry and silly humor to keep the younger members of the audience entertained." - The Scotsman
Click here for the promo video used for the 2013 Edinburgh Fringe Festival
CAST: 9 total: 2 M, 7 W
LENGTH: 20-25 minutes
GIRL I’m leaving.
GUYS Are you going to the store?
GIRL Maybe.
GUY Can you get some chips?
GIRL Why do you need chips?
GUY We’re out.
GIRL You realize that when I said I’m leaving I mean I’m moving out.
Thus begins a series of scenes that all start with the same dialogue but then diverge into different narratives as we see the disintegration of a relationship through the various people in their lives; at the same time, the young man in the relationship tries to keep starting the scene over in hopes that it ends without his girlfriend leaving.
CAST: 9 - 2 M, 7 W
LENGTH: 20-25 minutes
HONORS: Superior Rating - 2014 Colorado State Thespian Convention
CAST: 15 total: 3 M, 12 W (flexible)
LENGTH: 30-40 minutes

Using only letters, memoirs, newspaper clippings, and other first hand accounts of the iconic tragedy – this historical collage brings to life the incredible power of this momentous event as well as surprising elements of humor and joy. Framed around four songs from the early 1900’s this incredibly moving production shares both well known and less common information in a truly memorable documentary styled musical which was originally created to mark the sinking of the Titanic’s 100th anniversary.
Due to the nature of how the play is written the number of people in the cast can be larger or smaller depending on the needs of the performing group.
HONORS: Superior Rating - 2012 Colorado State Thespian Convention
CAST: 19 - 4 M, 15 W
LENGTH: 25-30 minutes
A series of both humorous and dramatic scenes that center around the disappearance of an unnamed young teenager which aims to show how our society uses the media to process the myriad of ways we handle the emotional ramifications of "missing persons".
The end of the play also offers ways for performing groups to make the show relevant to their specific state/locality.
CAST: 16 total: 4 M, 10 W (flexible)
A group of students in a cabin in the forest find themselves locked in with no way to get out. When members of their group start disappearing it is left to the ring leader of the group to confront the culprit...but as with anything that happens in the dark - who exactly is to blame?
HONORS: Superior Rating - 2017 Colorado State Thespian Convention
CAST: 16 total: 6 M, 10 W (flexible)
LENGTH: 30-35minutes
Do we make our own criminals? Or do they make themselves? Through a series of humorous and honest glimpses into the life of a young man this fast moving series of scenes asks whether our society accidentally perpetuates its own tragedies through its inherent glorification of violence.
HONORS: Superior Rating - 2015 Colorado State Thespian Convention
CAST: 14 total: 4 M, 10 W
LENGTH: 25-30 minutes
A young man shoves his ex-girlfriend in the hallway during lunch and what results is a complex web of perception and rumor as we see witnesses interactions both pre and post event - until we finally see what actually happened.....and it's not what we expect.
HONORS: Superior Rating - 2018 Colorado State Thespian Convention
in the
silence between
A man and woman sit facing one another. Through their simple exchange of "Question" and "Statement" along with their movement we sense the complex weight of their relationship. Suddenly one of them lets their inner thoughts come spilling out - and the aftermath is equally as complicated as the what had started it all.